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trump noun. advantage ace in the hole aid ascendancy asset assistance authority avail blessing boon break choice comfort convenience dominance edge eminence expediency favor gain good gratification help hold improvement influence interest lead leeway leg-up leverage luck mastery odds position power pre-eminence precedence preference prestige prevalence profit protection recognition resources return sanction starting superiority support supremacy trump card upper hand utility wealth undauntedness noun. courage adventuresomeness adventurousness audacity backbone braveness bravery bravura courageousness daring dash dauntlessness determination doughtiness endurance enterprise fearlessness firmness fortitude gallantry gameness grit guts hardihood heart heroism intrepidity intrepidness lion-heartedness mettle nerve pluck pluckiness power prowess pugnacity rashness recklessness resolution spirit spunk stoutheartedness temerity tenacity valiance valiancy valiantness valor venturesomeness élan valiance noun. courage adventuresomeness adventurousness audacity backbone braveness bravery bravura courageousness daring dash dauntlessness determination doughtiness endurance enterprise fearlessness firmness fortitude gallantry gameness grit guts hardihood heart heroism intrepidity intrepidness lion-heartedness mettle nerve pluck pluckiness power prowess pugnacity rashness recklessness resolution spirit spunk stoutheartedness temerity tenacity undauntedness valiancy valiantness valor venturesomeness élan valiantness noun. courage adventuresomeness adventurousness audacity backbone braveness bravery bravura courageousness daring dash dauntlessness determination doughtiness endurance enterprise fearlessness firmness fortitude gallantry gameness grit guts hardihood heart heroism intrepidity intrepidness lion-heartedness mettle nerve pluck pluckiness power prowess pugnacity rashness recklessness resolution spirit spunk stoutheartedness temerity tenacity undauntedness valiance valiancy valor venturesomeness élan vantage noun. advantage aid ascendancy asset assistance authority avail blessing boon break choice comfort convenience dominance drop edge eminence expediency favor gain good gratification handicap head start help hold improvement influence interest lead leeway leg-up leverage luck mastery odds position power pre-eminence precedence preference prestige prevalence profit protection recognition resources return sanction start starting superiority support supremacy upper hand utility wealth vehemency noun. intensity acuteness anxiety ardor concentration deepness depth earnestness emotion emphasis energy excess excitement extreme extremity fanaticism ferment ferociousness ferocity fervency fervor fierceness fire force forcefulness fury high pitch intenseness keenness magnitude might nervousness pitch potency power severity sharpness strain strength tenseness tension vehemence vigor violence volume weightiness wildness administration noun. human or group who manages effort of an organization President admiral advisers board bureau cabinet chair chairperson chargé d'affaires command commander committee consulate department directors embassy executive executives feds front office general governing body headquarters legislature management ministry officers officials powers presidency presidium stewards

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