New gameplay screenshot of MJ!

Trained from birth to MURDER people. Lmao, but they conveniently left that part out. But, that's also why nobody has a problem with Black Widow kicking ass. She's undergone ridiculously extreme training since basically infancy, and maybe, still only maybe then, could a woman slap most men around, but because feels, watch me get downvoted to hell out of spite. Or not, just to predictably try to appear unpredictable.

Post-Modernism, it's a hell of a drug. Kinda like how constant undue, undeserved, emotional validation warps people's perspectives. Females have been the physically weaker sex for our entire species' evolution, that didn't change within the past few years because Post-Modernism desperately wants to flip everything on it's head, for no other reason than to emotionally validate hipster contrarians, who are so, for no other reason than to be a contrarian. Chaos is usually associated with Femininity, so Post-Modernism, is just a series of seemingly clever intellectualizations, made to, by default, validate particular rationalizations, that effeminate people are likely to make, especially rife with needless complexity as Chaos tends to be.

And voila, with a perspective bent by ideology, you can now suddenly manufacture emotional validation out of thin air with sufficiently complex and convoluted intellectualizations, that do their very best not to appear as rationalizations, by virtue of manufacturing nuance. That's why most Post-Modernists always tend to make things needlessly complicated.

I'm so tired of Post-Modernist thought being so damn popular, and anytime, anybody has anything critical to say about it, you only ever get a ham-fisted attempt to emotionally manipulate and shame you, into just 'shut up' with something akin to "shut the fuck up, crying and whining about SJW's".

Well, they tend to desperately worm their way into everything that is supposed to be my escapism, away from politics, so I don't see how somebody can't understand how that would frustrate me, trying to get away from politics I find annoying and insufferable, only to run into yet more, ideological proselytizing. Oh wait, unless it emotionally validates that particular person and they desperately need to see that in as many places as possible, in entertainment.

Emotional arguments will never suffice for logical arguments, no matter how desperately effeminately chaotic people wish it were so, no matter how desperately Post Modernist thought desperately wants to flip everything on it's head, just to force it into being so. These people are doggedly obsessed with validation, emotional and otherwise, but instead of working on themselves to become a better person, nah fam, "you're perfect just the way you are, and it's society that needs to change."

A society of hardworking, efficacious, competent people that, produce wonders of software engineering, like Spider-Man PS4. But go on and point out the most minute, imperfect, exceptions to the rule, that will seem to validate the opinion that it all needs to be torn down and replaced with whatever "Equity Utopia" these modern day Post Modernists seem to want. While also hypocritically, enjoying the spoils of competency and efficacy, that which organizes our hierarchies to a significant degree. Just to be clear, I believe literally everyone that believes "all truth is subjective", for no other reason than to walk through the door that particular foundational keystone precept of Post-Modernism pries open, is a Post Modernist, whether they know it or not. The "door" that it pries open, is suddenly having all of your most personal, particularly emotionally validating to you personally, rationalizations, instantaneously validated. Not all truth is subjective, sorry. Gravity exists, photons exist, atoms exist, these are all real, and true, outside of any individuals subjective opinion, just to name a few.

Females are the weaker sex. Get. Over. It.

And besides, I've always seen it as, Men control the inanimate world around us. Women control Men. So who really has the power plus privilege in that equation?

Oh but, convuluted, over complicated arguments, until you're blue in the face, for no other reason than to virtue signal, in sticking up for unnattractive women. Yeah, nobody gets to have their cake and eat it too, unless you're a Post Modernist ideologue that has been led to believe that you deserve to because "historical oppression" that has been dead and gone for 50+ years. Life is hard, life is unfair, life has truths to it that are going to hurt. Get. Over. It.

Oh but "fuck off and stop whining about SJW's" right? Yeah, people are going to get fed up with that emotionally manipulative nonsense eventually, and I'm one of them. So go ahead, do everything you can to spitefully make my Karma negative lmao, please be so predictable as to prove me right. I'll just make another account and start over, like I've done before. Because let's be honest, this "karma" system that Reddit has, just enforces and validates mob rule. "Whatever is popular and pleasant to hear, that which gets upvoted, is most deserving of positive Karma." I'm so glad IRL, we don't have actual laws based around this nonsense, because then we would live in some twisted, strange, Hugbox dystopia.

Just so you know Ciahcfari, I agree with everything you've said lol. Sorry to rant like this, but I'm just as tired of this nonsense as you are. I thought I'd sacrifice my account to say what I honestly think lol.

Come on people!!! How many downvotes can I get!? Bring them all!!! Lmao.

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