New here. I used to be a believing christian, and tried forever to Astral Project. Now that I'm an Atheist, I realized that AP is actually LD...right?

I agree, you cannot accept subjective experiences built on belief at face value, that is in no way scientific. What you can do is couple objective data with subjective experience to leave little doubt in your own mind. All you need is to conduct the right experiment.

Like I said before, an excellent approach is take a deck of cards, take a random card and lay it face down without looking. When you're in a lucid dream pull a card out I your pocket with a clear focused intent of "show me the face down card". When you wake up you record what you saw. Then you flip the card over and record what it actually was, and mark if you were correct.

Statistically speaking, if it were left to random chance you should only get a hit around 1/52 times. Do it enough times, you might find that you can be correct at a statistically significant rate above random chance. Even if you're only finding yourself able to get 1/20 over hundreds of trials, that's still a dramatic increase from random chance, and all the evidence that you should need that it is possible to access external data.

Fortunately you'll probably get decent enough that you won't have to do it hundreds of times to get to a rate that is statistically significant. The hardest part is not having expectations of what the card will show, and maintaining a clear focused intent. With practice this gets easier and you may see your results improve.

We're not trying to prove you can leave your body. We're trying to show ourselves beyond reasonable doubt that we can in fact access data that is beyond our meat suits. This type of approach is the only way that YOU can know BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that it is (or is not) a real phenomenon.

The proof has to be in the pudding

/r/LucidDreaming Thread