New Jazz Owner Ryan Smith expresses concern about transgender bill to lawmakers, worries that it alienates transgender youth and that NBA will pull All-star game if law is passed.

To withhold data or studies for fear of somebody’s feelings getting hurt or people using scientific findings in a way the researcher doesn’t like isn’t scientific at all.

It isn't. But it's routinely common. In 2005 a Stanford School of Medicine Professor, John Ioannidis, did a meta analysis of scientific papers, mostly dealing with the field of medicine and epidemiology iir, and found that most of them were super sloppy or just outright fraudulent.

Here's another article from physorg about 8 years later

But it's tough talking about because then sometimes people start looking at you like you trying to push an agenda like anti global warming or anti vax or some shit or they like, "Okay Kyrie."

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