New Julian Assange interview released

you are a product of America's television.

I actually have a masters degree in international relations, but nice try.

Both Hillary and Trump are terrible.

Hilary's not terrible at all. Hilary is 100% scandal free. The media makes it look like she has scandals to uneducated people who don't understand the law, but none of those things are scandals at all. This meme of "they are both terrible" is bullshit and false. Trump is terrible; Hilary's is the most qualified and scandal free president we've had in a long time.

Hillary took millions from Qatar and Saudi and both those governments gave money and support to ISIS.

No she didn't. Her charity did. None of that money went in her pocket. And that, to me, is ok. If I can trick Hitler into giving his money to feed starving children, why shouldn't I?

I am very glad I know this.


Hillary is a traitor and should be treated as such.

How is she a traitor? Do you even know what that word means? Even under the worst interpretation of her scandals, she didn't do anything that could be called "treason." Assange, on the other hand, is getting a paycheck from one of America's enemies.

I am so glad Assange has risked his life to bring this knowledge to the world.

What knowledge? None of the emails that Wikileaks put out showed Hilary doing anything bad.

And your whole post didn't even address my main point, which is that Assange is an anti-Semite and in the tank for Trump.

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