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There's a study performed by Old Dominion University that was published in December of 2014 that the right is using as one of their main talking points to try and prove widespread voter fraud. The study uses data that was from the 2008 and 2010 elections and extrapolated the data to come to an estimate that, nationwide, around 830,000 votes cast illegally in those elections. It basically makes the point that, at least in 2008 and 2010, there appeared to be "significant" voting by non-citizens. I put significant in quotations because, in my opinion, it appearing that at least a couple hundred thousand votes coming from non-citizens would be something I personally consider significant. To clarify though, I do not take the 830,00 number at face value and look at it as some solid figure. The right has used this study to try and make it sound like this is proof that during the 2016 election, Trump would have somehow won the popular vote (I have no clue why they are trying to use this study, it says nothing of the sort). The Washington Times (conservative news) wrote a deceptive article using this study that tried to make it seem like this study was conducted during the 2016 campaign and that Trump very well may have won the popular vote had it not been for illegal immigrants voting all over the place.

Snopes wrote an article that, in my opinion, an excellent job clearing the air and clarifying exactly what the study was saying and when the data was actually gathered and what it could all mean in terms of just how widespread voter fraud actually is.

Basically, my point is just that it appears that this stuff is, in my opinion, a significant issue. Did Trump lose the popular vote because of illegal voting? Fuck no. I don't take anyone seriously who straight up believes that. Does it seem likely that a large number of people voting illegally occurred? I would say that it does. If you feel that a few hundred thousand (I wouldn't go anywhere close to that 830,000 number just based off of this study) illegal votes is not something you would consider "substantial" or "significant", then fine, that's your opinion. Although I wouldn't understand why anyone would think that that is an acceptable amount. Does it seem that Russia had a much more significant effect on our election than people voting illegally here? Fuck yes. I'm just saying man, if there are at least a few hundred thousand people voting illegally in the United States, I personally feel that that's a big issue. Just my two cents. I can understand why people here downvote pretty much anything that speaks of any support for the whole voter fraud theory, though. A lot of bullshittin' people (Trump and his friends) ruin it for the people who want to have a reasonable conversation.

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