New MMO player w neverwinter PS4

I know I'm late to the party but here's my 2 cents. I played NW religiously for the better part of 2 years on XB (just before mod 6) had ground my way up to around 2500 and hit the pay wall spent far too much money on the lockboxes and getting to to 4000 then decided to quit. I haven't looked back. You might find the first 15 levels a chore as the combat is a little lackluster to begin with but with the ability to weapon swap after this it hits a turning point. The storyline is quite dull and it's certainly not skyrim, but that's what makes it great, you can still play as whatever the hell you want and once you hit endgame trust me the grind is real. But there's no P2W, skill is valued more than builds, red circles are still a no no and most of the community is incredibly helpful. 2 pieces of advice; play however you want with whatever you want and before asking questions on here have a look through the forums and this sub chances are there are hundreds of other players just starting out asking the same questions and most people would only respond to one maybe two so you're likely to get more information by searching through it yourself and looking at multiple answers than just getting one reply on your thread. Trust me it helps.

/r/elderscrollsonline Thread