New Moderators

I was banned from r/news for 3 months over trivial bullshit and i dealt with it and i sure as fuck never brought that drama to other subs. Italics like i dont understand the important part of a sentence? And who the fuck are you to demand a rssponse? Just cuz you ask a question doesnt mean you deserve an answer. You want the conflict resolved? Grow up and move the fuck on and stop cryin. Fuckin resolved. At least leave it out of this fucking sub because that is just as immature as it gets. Seems like you been the one co ti uing the conflict and demanding answers you dont have the right to demand. This is a perfect example of my last reply. Too fuckin immature to do this mod thing.

Im sitting here talking about you crying and your immature behavior being the reason you shouldnt mod and all you want to do is repeatedly beat a dead fuckin horse and blame other mods. I dont give a fuxk about that situation. I give a fuck about your immature and childish butthurt fuckin behavior. Focus on that shit and not shit im not talking about or shit i dont care about.

/r/natureismetal Thread Parent