New Orleans new motto...

Yeah, so the word “Nazi” in my reply was chosen specifically and intentionally and in no way was it a slip-up, misplaced attempt to mean Nationalist.

While I am perfectly willing to entertain the sad notion that the word Nazi has lost its meaning on the miseducated, that fact speaks more to the education levels of the ones who fall into that trap and less about the meaning and ideals inherent within its tenet.

With regard to your unsubstantiated posit that “white folk are more concerned about the nationality, while black folk care more about racism”: Well, first, this is too general. One might have a slightly better argument by narrowing down the first segment to “white conservative folk” - although that would hardly still not be an accurate statement.

If your point is to juxtapose propensities toward nationalism vs racism, there might be more merit in the “black folk” argument, but I would offer the supposition that it would only lean true because:

a. Racism is real - globally

b. In this country, “black folk” historically have been and continue to be the primary victims in acts of racism. This is by no mean a declaration that there are no black folk who are racist too, because racism exists in every culture. It is merely to state, racism largest, most impactful damage effects the “black folk” population to an exponentially greater effect if by no other reason than bare ratios - more non-black racists in this population than there are blacks (of which not all are racists).

The caveat to all this is there are “white folk” (nationalists or not) who are also Nazis and there are “black folk” (racist or not) who are nationalist.

About the pic

While New Orleans was founded the French, the “France” French influence died out after after the Jeffersonian era as Creole, which is a mixture of European (not just French) and African (slaves from the Caribbean ... which also includes some New World First Nation genetics) become more prevalent, in addition to the impact of Acadians (displaced French-Canadians from the Canadian east coast - primarily Nova Scotia) who themselves begat what we now call Cajuns ... the word Cajun became Cajun similar to the way the word for American First-Nations known collectively as Indian became Injun.

So, to be fair, today’s New Orleans is the work of several races, not just black races.

Nevertheless, I don’t see the sign as explicitly racist, per se. I think that view is a bit too defensive.

Could it have been worded better? Yup! Is it racist? Nah.

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