As a new player, I'm completely overwhelmed by the skills

Thank you very much for your pointers!

I went with Magicka for no real reason, but what I did think about a few times during playing: isn't Stamina really annoying? I deplete Stamina by sprinting and rolling all the time. If my skills also use Stamina, will I not have too little a lot (eg. sprinting up to a quest area, get into a fight, no Stamina).

Stamina with dual wield does appeal more to me, although I did read the Stamina skills, and poisons and DoTs don't really appeal that much (I was kind of looking for a World of Warcraft Fury Warrior style gameplay). Unfortunately I just kind of fell into doing Magicka with a 2H...

As for the armor and weapon types, do you know if there is some mechanic in the game where quests will reward you with the item types you already have equipped? At the very start I went with heavy armor and 1H+shield (I thought that like some other games this could DPS too, I was wrong haha) but I noticed that most quests were rewarding me with heavy armor too. I now have a full set (with bonus) of heavy armor, because quests were just giving me that. If I had used only the medium armor items I've gotten so far, I would be in gear 10 levels below my own lol (interestingly, I don't even have a Medium Armor skill yet lol).

I'll try to follow all the other advice. Maybe I'll start by resetting my skills, points, morphs, and try to start over..

Still, a lot to take in haha. Definitely still feeling overwhelmed.

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