New rule - No gender discussions or comparisons or complaints

I agree. My point is that i just feel like it’s a waste of time and distraction from the real issue. I can call you business person or mail person until I’m blue in the face. But in my mind, that does little for the broader issue. If someone discriminates against someone based on their gender, they surely aren’t going to stop because its business person now.

I do think it would help progress us overall BUT, then before you can move onto a different issue, you’ll get stuck on language. Oh, you want to fix sexism? That’s great but now we need to agree on which gender pronouns to use. How is business person a bigger impact than zim/zer?

With language, I think it’s simple. Freedom of speech. Obviously calls to action aren’t protected. If you want everyone to say business person, just say it. If it doesn’t catch on, it doesn’t catch on.

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