New rule - No gender discussions or comparisons or complaints

Ah, so women make 7-12% less than men. That actually sounds fair to me. I'm surprised that it's not higher.

You know, considering that the value of a man is men is largely based on his ability to earn, men have higher rates of suicide, men have higher rates of death at work, men generally fill more undesirable and uncomfortable jobs (i.e., garbage men), illnesses that affect men receive less research funding (prostate cancer vs. Breast cancer, for example), family law is biased against men in almost every case, men receive harsher sentences than women for identical crimes, men are required to sign up for selective service and give their lives to protect the country, I could go on and on...

Yeah, I'm all for eliminating the wage gap as soon as we eliminate those other inequalities.

/r/financialindependence Thread Parent