New Rule: Nowhere Else to Go | Real Time with Bill Maher

You're confusing gender-ideology from radical activists who claim to be transgender from actual transgender people. It's actually innate. They've given us (actual transgender people) a bad name.

They've degraded the quality of scholarship in academia in the 90s (a trend starting in the 70s) and in that process, confused transgender people with some generalized, disembodied and post-modern definition of gender: they took the term "transgender" from its original medical context to invent some new and radical (and rediculous IMO) context. Nobody in academia challenged this, and so it bled into medical departments and matriculated out into mainstream society from subterranean applications of this literature.

There's a whole subreddit that talks about this. The activists are cult-like and aggressive and overtook both the term and space of transgender people in those activist spaces, as it appears to me. They are mentally ill straight people for the most part (it seems to me). Very strange, but emboldened by poor scholarship and subsequent campus administrative policies in academia in the beginning.

You won't find an opinion on public jails from me though.

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