new scamming method

you should probably look up the definition of ignorant. You're experiencing what we call a localized paradox. You're living a lie bro. Be the change you want to see.

Jokes about our foreign brethren are not automatically racism. Turning a minor comment into something larger also doesnt make it racism. This is comedy at its core, a part of humans do and accepting our shortcoming is what makes us better people than the rest.

We all poke at eachother. To take it seriously is to be at fault and to take serious offense to something said light-heartedly(despite plenty of phone-scammers being from south-west asia in my experience) as hurtful or obscene is lowering yourself past honorable levels. Jokes will be jokes. Let it go. It'll be ok.

Ignorance is defined as the lack of knowledge... Not knowing something. Its ok that you don't get this kind of thing. Your ignorance and innocence is beauty at its core. Don't let somebody elses passing joke define your day. It'll all be ok. And at the very least, one or two internet comments won't make or break what people think of a whole country. Its just humor in its raw-est form.

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