A new scoring system for Jim Sterling.

I honestly think reviewers should start calling their score systems something like "My enjoyment scale", so people stop equating the reviewers score with how everyone should feel about the game.

I'm so sick of people being unable to understand that reviews aren't meant to tell you how to feel about the game, but rather let you know how they felt about it (amazing, I know). If you've had similar complaints / praises as the reviewer in the past, this could be a good way for you to gauge whether or not a purchase is worth it for you. That is the whole point of reviews. They do not only exist to echo your opinions, whatever they may be. If anything, you should read a handful of reviews by people with differing opinions to get a better sense of what you might like / dislike about a game.

Sometimes you will greatly disagree with their "Enjoyment scale", and that's okay. Your life will continue, I promise.

Sorry, I'm probably preaching to the choir here, I'm just so fed up with people being assholes lately. I am personally looking forward to Yooka-Laylee, and you know what? Despite that, I am perfectly fine with Jim giving it a low score!

/r/JimSterling Thread