New simulations create galaxies without using dark matter, overcoming a long-standing hurdle to the controversial theory MOND, which claims dark matter doesn’t exist at all.

As a healthy dose of skepticism, Harvard atronomer Avi Loeb disagrees that this simulations mirrors reality:

But Harvard University astronomer Avi Loeb isn’t convinced. He says that the physics of normal matter means it could not create the large-scale variations that astronomers see in the Cosmic Microwave Background. Radiation would smooth out small-scale disturbances in normal matter over time. But because dark matter doesn’t interact with radiation, it lets these variations grow from seeds to galaxies.

“The main issue with MOND is that it does not explain the evolution of the Universe from its initial conditions, as evident in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) to the present day,” Loeb says. He adds: “If there was only ordinary matter in addition to the CMB and no dark matter (which by definition does not couple to light), then galaxy formation would not have happened at all.”

MOND's a pretty out there theory, and my money is on that MOND isn't real and dark matter is. But I think these types of studies that test some of the many lines of evidence that suggest we "need" dark matter are still worthwhile.

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