New Snowden Documents Reveal Obama Administration Expanded NSA Spying

at least the bush admin told us we were getting fucked.

Some people knew we were "getting fucked". But not to what extent. I vividly remember that if you spoke out against the patriot act, that you were un-American.. Many people supported this bullshit when it was first enacted...

None of you ever factor in the progress we've made in terms of technology & communication since when the patriot act was first enacted.

People weren't on smartphones & social media in 2001 as they are today. People weren't expecting the the Internet to play such a large role in our lives.

America also has had an issue with youth vote, and Obama got youth voters to register and become politically active for the first time.

how is this a bad thing?.....

He preyed on the youth and made them think they could make changes to the things that would impact their future. Repealed "don't ask don't tell", ended unfair drug sentencing, credit card reforms, made substantial changes to veterans healthcare, expanded stem cell research, etc..

He didn't prey on anyone. And he actually did make changes to things that would impact their futures.

It feels so lazy to say, oh he's just any politician. Or oh, any candidate is better than the president. But history matters. Context matters. Coming off one of the most horrific admins of all time

This is a lie. This is hardly one of the most "horrific admins".. We're still coping with the damage from Reagan & Bush.

Oddly enough, you don't use context in terms of what I described above in terms of technological and communication advancements. It's just too lazy to blame an admin without looking at the overall situation.

This whole NSA thing was shitty on his part, but this is hardly the worse admin.

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