New speed bumps on Glasgow also include... the bike lane

The speed bumps are there because the rich people on that street are trying to get the best bang for their buck from their paid tax dollars.

I wonder if they ever stopped to think that the money spent on pointless crap on the street could actually help the less fortunate??? Or the time they spend arguing with the city for their silly road decorations could be put to better use.

So many programs are underfunded by our govournment that could improve EVERYONE'S quality of life. The tax dollars those people pay could be used to help children in foster care or group homes. It could help the underfunded addictions ward at Grand River.

But instead of using their time, energy and resources to improve the community on a human level, the people of Glasgow have to flex their power by demanding fancy, pointless and ugly island things... And now speed bumps.

Look at the power, look at the prestige! Bravo, Glasgow, you're the Donald Trump of Waterloo.

(disclaimer: not everyone who lives on thay street in as ignoramus...)

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