New Students

I drive for work around Davis and HOLY HELL THEY CANT RIDE BIKES EITHER. Listen I’m all for bikes and public transport, like I said, I’m driving because it’s my job. That being said, bikes are vehicles, man-powered, but vehicles nonetheless. You would think these students have never rode a bike or heard of a drivers manual. They blow past stop signs at ridiculous speeds downtown, cut through traffic without looking or using hand signals, etc.

They could learn to be proper pedestrians too, I swear I’ll be in the middle of an intersection when it’s my right of way, I’ve already started to go because no one was getting ready to cross, and then they turn the corner and dart into the street without even looking.

Obviously this problem isn’t all UCD students but jeez the issue gets so much worse in September.

And please be nice to us service workers, like seriously, we live and work here, we aren’t your personal concierges for your “college experience ™️”

/r/davisca Thread