As new supervisor, you guys got any tip or advice?

Tailor things to each specific troop as much as possible. Goes hand in hand with ACTUALLY knowing your troops.

Some people are driven by time off, some people are driven by awards, and others are driven by doing things as a shop/getting a free lunch/whatever. In the same vein, know what style of discipline works for which person. If you try to use the same approach with everyone, you will find people that won't respond positively or even at all. And yes, this is contradictive to "use the same method with everyone to ensure fairness" advice, but it does get better results.

I've found a lot of success when I take some ownership of people's mistakes so they're more likely to realize that communication goes both ways. That is to say, when you counsel people for little things, get their opinion on how it can be fixed in the future - not just with them, but for anyone in the shop - and say something like "maybe I have not communicated ____ clearly enough" or "perhaps you thought I was being sarcastic/funny when I said to do _____, I will be more direct in the future" or whatever else.

/r/AirForce Thread