New technology can facially-recognize you in a crowd, from far away - and it's being used by governments, marketers, and advertisers

In France's train stations, we already use facial recognition to find the "Fichés S" ( read "Feechey Ess", it means "the ones on the S file") in a crowd. The Fichés S are suspected to be linked to islamist terrorists, but the S File and the Facial Recognition are already misused. For exemple, one of my friend in a political sciences school is a Fichée S because she is linked to a political hacktivist in Iran, who is himself linked to a political mouvement of civil rights. When I say "linked", I mean she uses him as a source for her information. But apparently all political mouvements from middle east are now suspected of being terrorists, and all people who have been in middle east risk to be filed. Even if your name is Amélie Rocher (my friend's name looks like it). At the same time, a lot of the terrorists who commits acts in France are seen to have been filed S before, but it apparently did not prevent them to do anything. Even though the Fichés S are loosing more and more civil rights (last week a new law created the biggest surveillance File in France, we call it the Monster File from the Halloween Law, and even though it concerns every french citizen, the Fichés S will officially loose all right to privacy).

And the facial recognition is not under many laws in France...You can imagine what they do with it.

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