New Texas textbooks downplay the role of slavery in the Civil War and omit mention of Jim Crow laws or the Ku Klux Klan.

There are a couple of necessary points that I think need to be made, here.

  • White America views itself as the epitome of humanity as an entire species.

White Americans are not racist exclusively towards blacks. They are racist towards literally anyone else who isn't them, which includes other whites. They view themselves as superior to everyone. The main reason why white Americans were (and still are) so traumatised about 9/11, had nothing whatsoever to do with merely the fact that it happened, but everything to do with the fact that it happened to them. If 9/11 had happened in literally any other country on the face of the planet, Americans would have treated it like just another headline. It's only now starting to leak out that Truman didn't order the atomic bomb dropped on Japan in order to force them to surrender, because they were already were willing to. Truman ordered the atomic bomb dropped as retaliation for Pearl Harbour.

You do not have inherent authority over the rest of the human race, or any form of exceptionalism, just because you happen to have been born white, and in America.

Most Americans will vehemently and furiously deny to me that they have the above belief. The problem is, however, that your intelligence community has been brainwashing you with said belief from the cradle for close to a century now, so while it is there, most of you are completely unaware of it. It's unconscious. It's institutional. It's as natural and invisible to you as the air you breathe. It only becomes overt if you join the military, because they don't try to hide it.

  • The Civil War was not fundamentally about slavery.

This is sufficiently important that I'm going to repeat it. The Civil War was not about slavery.

Lincoln's motivation for fighting the war was exclusively economic. Southern secession would have meant loss of access to ports, (less trade) less GDP, and less taxes. The reason why the official narrative claims that the war was about slavery today, is to divert attention from the issue of non-consentual, involuntary federalism, which is what the war was really about. Lincoln wrote that he didn't fundamentally give a shit about slavery, one way or the other; that his entire motivation was maintaining the Union, and that whether or not he freed every slave, or didn't free any of them, would only occur in persuit of that end.

The contemporary Left, generally speaking, also do not care about that, because Marxism has brainwashed them into thinking that both giant centralised states, and single, universal collectives are good things. I have seen direct sociological evidence that neither of those are good things; however, one of the problems with subscribing to either an exclusive Left or Right viewpoint, is that it tends to reduce your capacity for critical thinking.

The story of Lincoln as some sort of saviour for the blacks is complete bullshit; and it is perpetuated by the kind of misty eyed, uncritical Utopian Leftism that actively looks for supposedly spiritually enlightened heroes to worship, while completely ignoring any element of said saviours' lives, which might get in the way of perceiving them as beings of light.

In my mind, the Civil War was only about one thing.

The South wanted to leave, and the North would not let them.

The Left, however, will NEVER allow the Civil War to be perceived that way, because if it was, they might have to confront the unthinkable idea that involuntary, globalised federalism just might be a recipe for murderous tyranny and concentration of power, and absolutely nothing else. That, in turn, would seriously interfere with the "Workers of the World, Unite!" meme. As a result of this, however, I will admit that while I am not an American, I am a supporter of the Confederacy; and despite what the Marxists will attempt to claim, that has nothing whatsoever to do with skin colour. It about the fact that federalism always has been, and always will be the worst form of tyranny that exists.

The central point is that no union or form of federalism should ever be involuntary, and neither should it ever even attempt to prevent any portion of itself from leaving.

The above is a principle on which I will never compromise. The only thing that unity ever leads to in practice, is abusive concentration of power.

  • The Left are committed to single-mindedly viewing blacks as being completely innocent, and never mind the actual facts.

It is also a fact, albeit an extremely inconvenient and uncomfortable one, that the only time violence is ever considered anything other than background noise in America, is if the person pulling the trigger or wielding the knife, just happens to be a different colour to the person being killed. Whites killing each other is considered completely fine, as is blacks killing each other. It's only when said homicide becomes inter-racial, that it is considered a problem, and all of the race baiters on each side come pouring out of the woodwork.

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