A new type of discussion. Mental health and depression in relation to skin.

Hey man. Just want to say you are not alone. Skincare for me has been pretty much the only way for me to not do my OCD tendency - dermatillomania. Even though it generally has worked, I completely understand what you mean about adding more responsibilities and worries to your life. I am also a very black and white thinker. Either my routine and my choices have to be perfect, or it's not worth trying because I cannot tolerate failure in myself.

For me, I've come to recognize that the anxiety, the black and white thinking aka perfectionism, and the dermatillomania are all rooted in my mental health. When I am doing better at taking care of myself, I don't get so worried about if I touched my face or if the sun is shining on me through the car window. Like me, I believe the only way you will ever be able to live a peaceful life, and to be self satisfied with yourself, is to treat your mental health.

For me, meditation has helped a lot. I don't ruminate or dread things as much. Every time I ever feel like, "Omg that person is so good looking/slim/successful/cool" and it makes me feel insecure, I remind myself there is no competition. There is no race. This is my life, it has nothing to do with anyone else's; I do not need to live up to anyone's standards but my own. Granted, I am not perfect at this. There are still days I have those insecure moments, and days I honestly don't want to get out of bed. But I've learned to be gentle with myself. I've done a lot that has screwed up my body over the years. But I've forgiven myself, because I know at the time, and even now, I was suffering inside. I was doing whatever I could to get away from feeling bad; I was trying to survive. So maybe I will never have perfect skin, but I can at least work on taking care of myself. No one is demanding perfection from me. No one is checking boxes or writing performance notes. That is all in your head. So its your head you must address.

I suggest cognitive behavioral therapy and meditation. Make a list of things that make you feel well. For me it's important I talk to people more and not isolate myself, and I spend more time in nature. I also try to practice more gratitude. My life is not about me looking good or impressing other people, it is about me enjoying myself. And part of that journey is learning to enjoy myself even if I'm not where I want to be today.

/r/SkincareAddiction Thread