the new wolfi translation of The Unique and Its Property published by white nationalist Kevin I. Slaughter

I decide what my individual interests are and I regard living in a territory with a state as potentially being in my interests.

Saying it's in your interest to want a power over you is like saying it's in your interest to want to be a slave. It's just weird.

What is the utility of the state over a tiny decentralised voluntary union? Collective defence against internal and external threats is probably the main one. I know several people who call themselves Marxist-egoists and national-egoists who favour having a state.

Whether is be fascism or communism (otherwise known as red fascism), I still think advocating any state based on those political, economic, or racial grounds is spooky af.

Personally I think my life will be better if White nationalists control the state rather than multicultural liberals or non-White tribalists. It could be more banal than that though. I believe that preferences are in large part biological. One may not want to associate with fat people, ugly people, short people, Black people etc. and this would be an egoistic assertion of aesthetic preferences.

By "associate" do you mean have sex with, live with or what?

I'm a white guy, I have no biological component that tells me I don't want to live with black people. I don't think that's biological, I think there is other reasons you feel that way, as we don't all share those feelings.

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