The New York Times Shamefully Smears Bernie Sanders in Its Latest Lurch Right | A new report inexplicably ties the Alexandria shootings to belligerent "Bernie Bros."

And we're all extreme left to the middle east and africa. Relativism is bullshit.

Interesting how you want to be compared to undeveloped and unstable nations rather than other western democratic allies. I think a comparison to European countries/Canada is a lot more valid than just comparing us to the cess pool of the Middle East and Africa, but I guess that's just me-- I doubt American conservatives like admitting that they're the closest political party out of all western democracies to those places(The Middle East and Africa).

So you're saying because we actually have a right-wing, we can't have a left-wing? What new level of retardation is this

No, he's saying that we don't have a prominent left-wing, and the only reason that you think we do is that you and your ilk of cancerous far-right wingers are pushing the scale massively to the right, and pretending that Democrats actually represent a strong left-wing position. Because screeching about how Democrats are all socialists/communists/too far to the left actually bends reality and makes it true.

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