[NEWBIE] Peavey Guitars



This is my 1988 Peavey Patriot I picked up a month or two ago.

Here's some guitar history for ya.

Hartley Peavey (owner and founder) was seeing more and more guitar makers getting into the amplification industry. His response? To start making guitars and get into their industry.

He was really impressed with how his gun collection (being a good ol boy from Mississippi) was so expertly made that you couldn't fit a piece of paper between the wood and the stock of the gun.

He went and bought the machine that makes those wooden gun stocks from some place in Europe and brought it to the USA and re-engineered it to create Guitar necks.

Now we all know how crucial a neck can be to making a shitty or great guitar. At this time all high end guitar necks were handmade. Fender and Gibson for example hand made all of theirs.

These necks still hold up. Mine does that's for sure. over the course of the 80's Gibson and fender hopped on board and used machinery to create their guitar necks the same way Peavey did.

So when you play a Peavey you're playing the part of history that did away with hand made necks being normal and pushed machinery to create the necks we have today.

For a USA made guitar with a great neck. You can't pass one up if it feels right. I prefer it over my epiphone and jazzmaster and those are two VERY nice guitars.

/r/Guitar Thread