Newbie Thursday (14th of June, 2018) - Your weekly questions thread

How do you guys deal with low motivation periods and toxic team mates? A month ago I took a break due to 6 games in a row with team mates who left halfway through games. I come back and play another 6 games and lose all of them while top fragging and this just has me pretty upset with the game. I don't really enjoy any other fps so it really does suck.

How do you guys actually rank up? I was MGE but am now MG2 probably about to derank again after this ridiculous 12 game losing streak. Should I be focusing on a specific area of game play to try to "carry" the games I play? If so, what is it?

A bit of a rage rant but I'd love to hear some positivity or words of advice, because right now I don't even want to play lol.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread