Newbie Thursday (21st of May, 2015) - Your weekly questions thread!

Everything you do should be revolved around putting your team in the best possible position to win the round and ultimately the match. The thing about deathmatch is you have to be fairly cut throat about going for kills but competitive requires a different mindset. Its not about top fragging, its about being a good team mate, keep the morale in the team up and just being positive with your communication.

Deathmatch kind of feeds the adrenaline of action all day err day. In competitive you have to have the mindset to do the dirty non flashy work to benefit the team ultimately. Like you can envisage a situation where 4 of your mates ran to outside long and top middle. looking for action straight away or to do the enjoyable actions. You should be recognizing that the tunnels is completely open to a push so you have to go and play and hold the tunnels to hold the map control which means you have all the strategic options available to you.

So for example like imagine having a guy watching long for a push, a guy in tunnel holding upper and occasionally watching x box incase of a push but also you have a guy on short. Well you have all the possible strategies at your disposal. So you could go straight into b from tunnel, b split, a split, short, long and mid to b.

All these range of options keep the ct's stuck to their sites and the its just a matter of figuring out the opppositions setup, figuring out where is the weak point and exploiting it.

My point is that you cant come into mm from dm and expect it to be action all the time. Not that dm doesn't have its place, it does. It warms up your movement, bursts getting used to how a player moves their model but its just the change of mindset.

Remember its not about the frags in mm, honestly fuck the stats. Sometimes you will play a site that gets more action then the other and naturally you will get more kills while some games you will get barely any action but your job of holding that position is still critical. The important thing is winning as a team. I'd much prefer to win going 11 22 and coming last on my team then valiantly losing the game going 22 11.

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