Newly Unplugged - WTF is the point then?

My mission is to be the person I aspire to be. The father you didn’t get to see, the son you didn’t get to be. Okay that’s a line from one of my favorite songs, but what’s the point? There is nothing in the world that works but YOU. In the movie The Matrix you keeping hearing about this Neo guy, because he’s the ONE. Well when we become adults we learn that we are one and we are all together ONE so the point is to do your best. I mean, the only reason we come into this world is because we bet on the wrong horse. What this does is recognize you have made a choice are not the innocent victim of your parents, your boss or whatever relationship your taking seriously. Nothing here means anything. But if you act like nothing means anything you’re labeled as Nihilistic and no one wants to hang around losers. Ya dig?

So by observing yourself go through your day, getting happy getting excited, being fearful this will start to produce a meaning for your everyday life. So when you get upset and realize something is all wrong you will remember you can choose again.

/r/asktrp Thread