Newlywed [24F] and [28M] with major in-law boundary issues.

"Chlamydiosis is a bacterial disease in sheep and goats is caused by Chlamydophila abortus. Pregnant animals can shed large numbers of C. abortus in the placenta and uterine discharges when they abort or give birth. Although rare, people can be infected by direct contact with birthing tissues, but there are additional ways to be infected. In people, animal-associated chlamydiosis causes flu-like signs (fever, body aches, headache), reddened eyes, and pneumonia. Pregnant women should avoid contact with pregnant or aborting animals."

Brucellosis (see above, Direct Contact: Directly Handling Sheep and Goats)

B. "abortus and B. melitensis can be also transmitted to people by milk, contact with the placenta, fetus, fetal fluids, blood, and vaginal discharges from an infected animal. Pregnant women should avoid contact with pregnant or aborting animals."

"Toxoplasma can cause serious disease in pregnant women and immunocompromised people, such as AIDS patients.

Symptoms of Q fever include fever,chills, night sweats, headache, fatigueand chest pains. Pneumonia (lunginfection) and hepatitis (infl amma-tion of the liver) can occur in serious cases. In pregnant women, infectionscan cause premature delivery, abortion and infection of the placenta"!ut/p/a0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOK9_D2MDJ0MjDzdgy1dDTz9wtx8LXzMjf09TPQLsh0VAZdihIg!/

My doctor told me to limit my interactions with sheep who are lambing, obviously. (which is the entire flock) Again, not pertinent to my question.

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