[News] r/blackdesertonline is in full damage control over P2W changes

LOL I just read your last sentence oh my lord you're so pathetic. "Why the hell would you spend 15+ months reaching soft cap gear in BDO when I can drop several hundred dollars and match your effort? You wouldn't."

Ahahahaha okay firstly, if it takes you 15+ months to reach softcap you're incredibly bad and lazy at BDO, what you have no workers and never grind or something? Did you try to gear up by training donkeys to sell? Ahahahah omg.

Also yes, I did get to soft cap with very little P2W, I mostly bought pets, costumes, and weight, and spent no more than 10€ on Artisans Memories.

Why did I do this? Because I actually enjoyed playing the game and climbing a hierarchy, I'm not a bitch like you who gives up just because someone else has an advantage over me.

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