The next generation of American Presidential helicopters. Coming into use sometime this year.

Yeah, you are correct about the Lockheed-Sikorsky acquisition timeline.

However my point about the Navy purposely killing the program through continuous requirement changes in order to later re-start the program and select the VH-92 still stands.

When discussion to cancel the Kestrel project was brought forward due to the huge cost overrun, the Navy argued that it was Lockheed’s fault as they failed to meet the pre-determined requirements...

Lockheed responded that the Navy requirements had changed completely from the original ones and that the Navy had imposed 1900 (1900!) new requirements after the program start. The Navy responded that this was not true and that they had not issued a single additional request... a blatant lie, as in 2011 a Government accountability report determined that the failure of the VH-71 Kestrel program was primarily on the Navy shoulders, not the manufacturers.

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