[NF] Late night mirror therapy.

I'm elated that someone actually read this whole thing!

There's a third girl referenced in this that I'm not going to name, in the off chance that this is found, who I have mistakenly taken to thinking about any chance that I'm unable to suppress the thought of her. Smart, charming, and stunning. I had put up my hand and stopped her in the hallway when I was a senior in highschool in 2014 because she was so beautiful and asked her out on the spot. Let it be known that I had never asked anyone out before this. She had that severe of a grip on the introverted nerd that is me. To the point though. She has been kylie's best friend since before they went to school and Kylie has had feelings for me since we met in 2011. I asked this girl out and we explored an abandoned salt quarry on our first date but I never followed up because i had convinced myself afterwards I fucked it up. I didn't. We ended up talking again after my sophomore year of college, and despite living on opposite sides of the state talking everyday for hours, waiting until we could see each other. Regular 8 hour phone calls until 4 am. Come winter when we were able to see eachother again and she ends up telling Kylie that we're going on some dates and Kylie breaks down, confessing her feelings for me and referencing a time I had visited her a few months previous as an attempt by me to 'play' them. Of course I had just been visiting a friend but that, and the accompanying 3 months of no contact, had conveyed the wrong message. She then stops talking to me at all, save for one message on snapchat, after kylie cries in front of their whole friend group.

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