The NFL’s Latest Witch Hunt Will Cause Labor Issues

That's not really what this article is talking about. It is about the fact that Roger is basically using the last CBA and abusing it as a negotiation tactic for next the next round of discussions. I agree with what this writer is saying.

I don't disagree that this is a reasonable ask in this particular situation, but suspending someone over it until they cooperate is BS much like it was with the Brady situation. It is just stepping on someone's throat because you feel like you can. Personally, I would never work for an organization that would treat their employees like that. Problem is, in the NFL the players can't really go anywhere else similar like most of us could (although if this continues I wouldn't doubt in the near future to see a guy with balls go to the CFL or arena league). So should Roger be allowed to do this whenever he feels like it? Anytime someone challenges him he will just suspend them until they cooperate? He is abusing the power the court gave him in order to "give" something during the next negotiation. Some may call that smart negotiating, but if I'm the players I read right through this and tell the NFL to go fuck themselves.

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