ngOnInit() runs methos asynchron?

I did not think of that. Maybe you are right. This is inside the ConnectToBridge()

ConnectToHueBridge(MyHue:any): Observable<any>{
if(!(localStorage as any).MyHueBridgeIP){ // No chaced BridgeIP?
  console.log("Trying to discover HUE Bridge via Hue Portal")
  //Get brdige IP
  MyHue.PortalDiscoverLocalBridges().then(function BridgesDiscovered(){
    console.log("Bridge IP: " + MyHue.BridgeIP);
    //Get bridge Configuration
    MyHue.BridgeGetConfig().then(function BridgeConfigReceived(){
      console.log("Brdige name: " + MyHue.BridgeName);
      //Get Bridge Data
      MyHue.BridgeGetData().then(function BridgeDataReceived(){
        (localStorage as any).MyHueBridgeIP = MyHue.BridgeIP; // Chaching Bridge IP
        console.log("Received data from bridge");
      }, function UnableToRetreiveBridgeData(){
        console.log ("Unable to receive bridge data, please press the connect button on the hue brdige ");
        MyHue.BridgeCreateUser().then(function BridgeUserCreated(){
          (localStorage as any).MyHueBridgeIP = MyHue.BridgeIP; //Chache Bridge IP
          console.log("Connected to the Bridge: " + MyHue.UserName);
        }, function UnableToCreateUseronBridge() {
          console.log("Unable to create new User, please press the connect button on the hue bridge ");
    }, function UnableToRetreiveBridgeConfig() {
        console.log ("Unable to receive bridge config, please press the connect button on the hue bridge ");
  }, function UnableToDiscoverLocalBridgesViaPortal(){
      console.log("Error discovering bridge IP, please press the connect button on the hue bridge ");
}else{// Using chached Bridge IP
  console.log("Using chached Bridge IP");
  MyHue.BridgeIP = (localStorage as any).MyHueBridgeIP;
  console.log("Cached Bridge IP: " + MyHue.BridgeIP);
  MyHue.BridgeGetConfig().then(function CachedBridgeConfigReceived(){
    console.log("Bridge Name: " + MyHue.BridgeName);
    MyHue.BridgeGetData().then(function ChachedBridgeDataReveiced(){
    }, function UnableToRetreiveCachedBridgeData(){
        delete (localStorage as any).MyHueBridgeIP // not Whitelisted anymore
        console.log("Unable to Retreive Cached Bridge Data");
  }, function UnableToRetreiveBridgeConfig(){
      delete (localStorage as any).MyHueBridgeIP; //not found anymore
      console.log("Unable to receive chached bridge config");
return Observable.of(true);
/r/Angular2 Thread