NGVC: “being in an abusive relationship is so much better than being a 30 y/o virgin.”

Him venting on the post of someone, whom was abused, is wrong. Other than that, he’s just really frustrated and depressed. I might have missed it, but he’s not really hating on women.

I can kind of relate. Being forever alone can be a dark and depressing road. As you say, it’s extremely cyclical. You end up spiraling into a depressive and self-hating state. Why am I always single? Something must be horribly wrong with me; I must be hideous in some way. Then, when you interact with women, you talk in a self-depreciating way, which nobody likes; you inevitably get rejected. Back to something must be wrong with me. Each time you feel worse and worse. At least that’s what I experienced.

The way to combat the feeling is to start getting heavily involved in activities so you get interesting and get your mind busy on other things. Then, you force yourself to start talking to women/men everywhere. Eventually, you start getting women (in my case) to smile/laugh. For all I know, they’re smiling/laughing because they find me ugly, but at least it’s probably positive. Then you try to build confidence through each positive interaction while ignoring the negative ones. At least this has been working for me.

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