NGVC: “I just got used by someone under that sign and then dumped for someone else (loyalty my ass).”

Eh, I kinda get what he's saying minus the weird horoscope shit. If you initiate or plan a date and they agree and show up, it's fair to assume it's somewhat mutual and that she's just not into initiating stuff (which can be frustrating). If she keeps agreeing to hang out but is hot and cold on the date itself, that can be a little stressful as well.

It's also probably better to just tell someone "hey, I'm not feeling the strength of connection I need to continue going on dates, but I've appreciated what time we did spend together. Thanks and good luck!", yet some people will resort to just criticizing a person without the critical piece of what they want to do about all the flaws theyre observing. I'm sure there's plenty to critique with this guy because he sounds a bit unhinged lol, but, I empathize with parts of what he's saying.

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