it nice to care

So someone typed out some really rude stuff then blocked me before I could roast them again. I just wanted to share my response:

"slYeezy dude":

Can't even respond- go back to playing Sims like every basic white girl and trying to change your gender for the 50th time. This is why people roast the fuck out of Reddit. Everyone's gonna be on your side to because of how gay as fuck you look because they are all the same. This is so hilarious- you roast my shoes but I know for a fact you can't style a single thing for the life of you.

my response:

I am very comfortable being a feminine cis-woman. I'll repeat it slowly, so you understand. -- born... with.... vagina.. happy.. to... be.. lady...

and I will explain, a vagina is a part of the female reproductive system. It is a tube from the outside of the female anatomy (the "vulva"), to the cervix (another tube). The cervix connects on the other side to the uterus, also called a "womb". This is where babies are grown, and from where you should never have departed in the first place.

And yeah, I like a popular thing. You think I should do more of the thing I like? Okay, thank you.

What's next on your rolodex of weird takes?

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