Nice Drumpf hat, M'lady

Okay so, firstly do you believe in trans people? Do you believe a person can truly feel, brain chemistry and all, as the gender other than the "one they were assigned at birth" (which means based on genitals)?

And do you believe in alternate sexualities? As in, do you believe that homosexuals exist? And following that, do you believe in bisexuality? Do you believe in people who identify as somewhere in the middle between homosexual and heterosexual, perhaps a person who is mostly straight with some same-sex attractions in certain situations?

If you believe in both of the above, is it really a stretch to believe that a person can feel the same way bisexuals feel about their sexuality, about their gender?

Do you believe a person, a "man" or a "woman" can feel, brain chemistry and all, not 100% the opposite gender but somewhere in the middle?

As many bisexual people will tell you, some days they wake up feeling straight, some days they wake up feeling gay. It's not a switch, its a spectrum. Just as one day you might wake up and feel really horny, whereas another day you might feel the opposite.

Why can't the same thing happen with gender? And if we accept all of the above as true, is it so bad to have a word that means to gender what "bisexuality" means to sexuality?

I know its "annoying" when you see posts like this, and I know a lot of people have huge mins under standing about who they are and how they feel, but if you're a person who is male, but every other day wakes up feeling so strongly, deep within you, that you are a woman, in the same way a bi person might wake up feeling only attracted to one gender, what would you suggest that person choose to identify as? Are you saying that a person like that must choose to be male or female? Like it's a switch, and they have to pick? If they have strong deep unavoidable feelings, in the same way I wake up and feel like a man, they should just bury those feelings or embrace them fully?

I get why it annoys you, and I get people take it too far, but I think people hate what they think and feel about words like 'genderfluid' and the assumptions made about people who use them. I'm not saying I agree with everything this culture exerts, but if that's really how a person feels, in the same way I respect bisexuals, I'm happy to respect that person.

If we accept a person can change gender completely, why can't a person be halfway towards changing that gender?

My final thing would be... do you think it might be the word itself that bothers you? What if instead of 'genderfluid' someone said to you "Most days I wake up feeling like a dude, but some days I wake up and I absolutely feel like a woman, beyond a shadow of a doubt, its something deep within me - but not frequent enough for me to go all the way and have surgeries and hormone treatments to fully switch to being a woman" - would you be more okay with that?

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