Its nice to see facts not being downvoted for once

Yep, that one jumped right out at me too. 10,600 upvotes.

To any sports journalists reading this, male or female, just because someone gave you a press pass does NOT make it moral to invade someone's privacy like you all do. Your special "press pass" doesn't give you the consent of the people' you are actually degrading. After seeing the reactions here I'm going to say something I wanted to say to their faces when I was younger, but lacked the courage to.

Shame on you. Your narcissistic belief that your right to "get the story" comes before another human's right to their dignity is shameful. I hated all of you. I still do. And I am NOT alone. Get the FUCK out of someone's space when they're changing. Oh, and if nudity isn't a big deal, then why don't you strip down too? Play whatever mental gymnastics you want, but you all put your own ambition over others dignity, and good people don't do that.

Earlier he talked about how they had to do an "all clear" for the girls' locker room before journalists could go in. Those are high school students by the way, and therefore minors.

In twenty years this shit will look as bigoted as this. Feminists, you deny deny deny sexism exists, except when it affects you. Why don't you just put on a pointy white cap and bed sheet and admit what you are?

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