Nichts neues unter der Sonne: Wutbürgerliches aus der Türkei

In a similar incident that same day in the capital, Ankara, residents of the working-class neighborhood of Demetevler brawled with Syrian and Iraqi refugees. The fight broke out over rumors that a Syrian man had raped a 5-year-old girl. Police used water cannons and tear gas to break up the fight. One Iraqi Turkmen man was stabbed during the scuffle and taken to a hospital for treatment. The incidents quickly gave rise to racist posts on Turkish social media. On Twitter, choice hashtags such as “Syrians should return home,” “Expel Syrians” and “I do not want Syrians in my country” continue to trend. Others expressed dismay that Syrians in Turkey could return to visit their homes during the recent Islamic holiday and come back to Turkey. If it’s safe enough to go back to Syria during the holiday, why do those people return, critics asked.[Meine Betonung]

Ich finde es faszinierend, wie sich Menschen verschiedener Länder mehr gleichen als Menschen in einem Land. Ich plädiere daher für die Einführung der Nationalität des Geistes!

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