Nick Offerman on 'Getting Drunk at Olive Garden'.

Find something your passionate about that you can realistically make a career with and pursue that. Don't assume that the passions/interests you currently have are the ONLY things your potentially passionate about.

As an example, I know a person who originally went to college for business school because he didn't know what else to do, but after 2 years he realized he was basically on course for a boring desk job. He decided to take a bunch of random science classes one semester, fell in love with astrophysics and is now working towards getting a PhD. Before I got to college I didn't know what I wanted to do either. My roommate convinced me to take a intro CS class, and I realized I really liked programming and am a semester from a bachelors in CS and have an internship I genuinely enjoy going to (most of the time). I never thought in a million years that programming was something I'd enjoy and be good at because I thought I didn't think I'd be smart enough to get far in it.

It obviously doesn't have to be something academic like astrophysics (though if you can find something academic that you're good at, looking into that isn't a bad idea). The point is that there's probably something out there that you're passionate about and that you can actually make a career out of with reasonable probability, even if you're not sure what that thing is.

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