Nickelodeon's 'Make It Pop' Producer: 'Asian Guys on My Show, Not Gonna Happen'

What nonsense is this? So what if it becomes a largely Asian cast? Asian me doesn't not watch American movies just because all the lead characters are white, or black. I mean if you're really suggesting white people are so racist they'll deliberately avoid watching shows just because a majority of the cast are not white that is doing nobody favors. I'd like to think white people nowadays were above that, but if they aren't then they should rightly be called out for it.

But there's no evidence that would be the case. Do people in Asia not also watch Hollywood movies even though almost all of them feature mostly white people? Transformers 4 made more money in China than in the US, and sure that film did deliberately try to cater to Chinese audiences but the main characters were still all white. Did Rush Hour not do well even though both the leads are non-white? These are just two examples but it's obvious that people will watch shit even if the cast doesn't look like them, as long as it's entertaining (to some degree).

This argument is just bullshit anyway. The whole Hollywood only excludes actors of color because they want to maximize profit. So when they're adapting some source material with non-white characters they whitewash the cast because oh we need big names to ensure the movie makes money. Great, exclude Asians for decades and then now turn around and say but there aren't any famous Asian actors! But then Hollywood does cast unknown actors in major films, but almost all of them are white anyway. Like why the fuck is Jai Courtney still allowed to make movies? Plus in this particular show, they're casting unknown Asian why not boys too? So this argument is just racist bullshit.

Lastly, so fucking what if a lot of male K-pop stars are androgynous. Now we get to the transphobia. So you tell me audiences won't accept androgynous male stars because they make people feel uneasy? Or what? Just because someone doesn't look traditionally masculine, doesn't mean they aren't traditionally masculine, and what the fuck is wrong with not being traditionally masculine anway?

With that said I'm not accusing you of personally believing these things. But if this is your assessment of white people, and it's accurate, screw them anyway. The author of this article would be right to call them out for their bigotry.

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