Is Nicki Minaj's Retirement A Publicity Stunt Or Are We Toxic For Assuming So?

Okay if you wanna take away her enabling those two people (which u really shouldn’t - because it shows her true colors)

We can also hate her for being blatantly homophobic even though 95% of her small fan base is LGBT.

“Yeah they switch like faggots” back in 2008

Then turning that into “they switching like sissies now” in 2018 especially since the mention of the word “sissies” — a word that has long been used to decry femininity in gay men — by any musician can be read as homophobic, in context, it seems intentional with Minaj.

Plus her laughing in the studio when her husband laughed/ joked about the lgbt person on the phone.

Plus many countless other things.

She’s evil and been messing up her career ever since Cardi came out and now is retire to try and preserve any “legacy” she has left.

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