Nicol responds to accusations that she supports Monat

How privileged do you have to be that you believe racism and prejudice, hatred of the innocent for the color of their skin, is comparable to someone being ignorant of a company having shady practices? - You think "its kind of funny how" people are more forgiving in these situations, as oppose to people who see other human beings as lesser than, based on their race or the color of their skin?? Not everyone has such little concern and empathy for the suffering of poc that they would compare it to ignorance about mlms.

It's kind of funny how if beauty gurus use the excuse of "not knowing something is racist/a slur" they get flamed to death for being ignorant but it's fine for a beauty guru to not know about MLMs.

What the fuck is funny about that? People who have a mental capacity that exceeds a worms, do not think that this kind of ignorance is anywhere near the same level of detrimental as slurs connotation racial prejudice and hatred of POC.

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