Night Owls/Insomniacs of Reddit. Whats the strangest thing you witnessed late at night while looking out your window?

Never been one to go to sleep at a 'normal time' for as long as I can remember. This happened one time when I stayed at my parents house when I was younger. My parents live near a lot of farm land, so everytime I stay it's pretty regular to see a lot of farm animals here and there in the fields nearby.

After listening to music till about 3am decided to take out my headphones and go to sleep. Now I always sleep with my window open because I get pretty warm during the night. So as soon as they're out, I hear this squawking outside, like a flock of birds had perched on the window or something, so I get up to look. Now my parents street is pretty long, few houses on there and they have only two lampposts on the pavement lighting part of the street.

Look out the window. In part of the light of one the lampposts I see a pretty big group of Geese stood in sort of a circle shape, and in the middle, these 2 Geese just going at each other. Flapping about, pecking and just squawking at eachother.

Weirdest thing I've ever seen. Watched them for a good 5-10 minutes before the sound of a lorries horn that sounded on the main road just round the corner from our street went off. These Geese then just stopped, all faced the direction the sound came from and then just woddled off into the darkness of a pathway that lead onto one of the nearby fields.

Haven't been back to my parents house in a short while, but I've never seen those Geese again when I did.

/r/AskReddit Thread