Nintendo Direct delayed

People on here are outright disrespectful making jokes and shit. If you got nothing nice to say don't say it.

And to the people on here pretending to show empathy, how dare you! [If you are not pretending, then the following does not relate to you].

These people are outright selfish and don't give a shit about other people dying. To those people, consider the following question. 100,000+ people die everyday. There are disasters everyday around the world, natural and man made. That's about one person every second of every day. Have you ever stopped EVERY day and mourned those people that died? [This relates to the not giving a shit point]. If not, why? Is it because you only give a shit when it affects you?

Nintendo was locally affected and so we should give THEM time to mourn and pay their respects. All WE can do is hope everyone is alright and show some empathy, but lets not pretend for one second that the people aforementioned above actually care and the only reason they are imitating the emotion of empathy is because it actually affected them with the delay of the Nintendo Direct. [This relates to the selfish point I mentioned earlier]

And for everyone who truly cares about all people on Earth, good on you and you my friend are the light in this darkness.

/r/NintendoSwitch Thread Link -