Nmom is trying to steal my underwear

I actually really understand where you are coming from. My mom does this laundry shit too - I think she likes the control of being able to lord over household chores. Whenever I leave my laundry in the washer or dryer she will move it over, and then she will TAKE it. and keep it. in her room

I will ask for it back but she will give me something like "I'm not done sorting it!" or "it's not dry yet!! I have to dry it again!" If i try to go and get it myself, she will SCREAM and tell me it's all throughout her laundry room, or it's still in the washer, what's wrong with me, what am I going to do with wet laundry (laundry from two days ago that was in the dryer, why is it still wet?)

my underwear and socks are dwindling. I honestly don't know what she's doing with them as she's NOWHERE near my size. I think she just puts them in piles in her laundry room.

When she finally returns my clothes to me they are folded neatly in a basket, but it creeps me out even more. Why would she fold my underwear and socks? I don't fold my socks, let alone my underwear (do people fold underwear?? why??) Some of it is kind of lacy and sexy and I have a serious boyfriend, it makes me uncomfortable for her to be handling and touching my private undergarments but she won't stop and I don't know what to do.

Whenever she takes my laundry and returns it I very clearly will ask her not to do it again (or even a simple "if it's in the dryer please just toss it in a basket, I really do not want you to go through it again, please don't, i don't want it folded etc etc") but she will either start to cry or loudly complain about how she just wants to help me and I am ungrateful.

What do I do here? Sometimes when she's not around I go into her room and find piles of my socks or bags of them underneath other stuff that she has been "sorting" to try to fold into matching pairs when in my room I'm running out of socks in a week because she's hidden them all around her stuff.

I'm sorry to hijack but this just reminded me that this keeps happening to me and I don't know how to stop it! I am busy with work and school and trying to make enough money to live and I can't wait around all day to guard my clothes when I do laundry :(

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread