No Bernie, There’s No Economic Justice Without Abortion Access

I want to point out that recently is a key word in your response here. Tim Kaine as a democratic governor of Virginia (a position with far more influence than Mayor) supported partial-birth abortion bans and disgusting informed consent procedures. His commitment not to let his personal beliefs guide his voting on women's rights is no different from Mello's and Clinton hardly came under the same fire for attempting to bring him to an even more powerful position.

I think there is a lot of confusion over what Sanders considers in his "progressive or bust" support for candidates. From what I can tell his issue is campaign finance reform, once a candidate has accepted money from special interest groups that candidate has signed up for the other team essentially and I personally do agree with that. Until we get money out of politics it doesn't matter what any of us believe because our representatives will vote for the highest bidder and we have seen that play out many times.

I just looked it up and Jon Ossoff has raised $8.3 million (an astounding figure compared to the $463,000 his opponent has raised) for his campaign so far with the majority of that money coming from out of state. I won't be surprised at all to learn that this guy is a corporatist Democrat akin to Corey Booker. Sometimes we have to draw a line in the sand for causes we believe in, I'm sure Sanders doesn't fault anyone who is upset over his support for Mello but I also feel sure he is doing what he thinks can best allow him to impact our nation positively just as he has done for 30 years prior. Not supporting Democrats who accept money from giant corporations makes perfect sense as being central and non-negotiable to his mission.

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