Is no communication better than poor/ toxic communication?

well I have no problem to join coms again later on when I'm a bit higher.

My point is that I've had so much hate thrown at me in the last week that I already was considering to stop playing the game and just focus on CS:GO...

Today I was mainly staying in voice until someone thought it would be a good idea to try and micromanage my hero picks or comment on my overall performance...except one time, when I got told to go tank because I would suck as DPS...and then I went tank...and ended the game with still all gold medals since the guy that thought he would be a better DPS apparently couldn't kill anything...and we were not even able to leave spawn when on attack lol.

Other than that, I'm one win away from platinum again, simply by leaving voice once people start to act up. Might be a coincidence though.

Hopefull in the long run I can find people to play with regularely so the toxicity of random players wouldn't be an issue anymore anyways.

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